Dementia Care Waterford

Dementia is a fast increasing condition which makes a lot of people concerned, especially family members of those who are suffering from it. Kilcara House Nursing Home has started a dementia care section at Waterford to exclusively take care of those who are suffering from the condition to provide them guidance and help them recover faster. A survey recently revealed that about 42,000 people in Ireland presently live under the condition of dementia. This number is likely to rise by another 60,000 in the next 20 years. Thus, it is clear that the only possible solution to this is practicing dementia care as a special science and ensuring that people who suffer from this condition are given specialized care and attention. At Kilcara House Nursing Home, we aim to provide exactly this.

Why Choose Our Dementia Care Services

    • We keep our dementia patients under special surveillance and supervision by specially trained staff and provide a different kind of care facility – that which will help them improve faster.
    • Our motive remains at all times to help you get free of the worries regarding your loved one suffering from dementia and assuring you that he or she is perfectly fine with us. We take all measures to make a patient feel at ease and comfortable so that you find worth of every penny you spend for their treatment.
    • We offer 24 hour supportive environment for dementia patients as well if that is what you want.

Our dedicated team of nurses, doctors, physicians, physiotherapists, dietitians, and occupational therapists are all here to help our patients and look after them. This team is meant only for the dementia care section thus they will never be busy enough to not attend to your needs.

Since the demented condition is known to have a degenerating impact on human life, we always orient our patients towards a better life and healthier living to get an overall positive approach towards life rather than just getting physically and mentally cured.

Some of the facilities which we provide at our dementia care section in Waterford include