Physiotherapy Galway

Physical pain can be gotten through various kinds of injuries such as auto accidents, sprains, and sudden jerks during movements, hitting something during movement, muscle pull and many more possibilities. A simple and fool proof method of getting rid of physical pain is through physiotherapy. If you reside in Galway or are here for a game or business and are experiencing muscle pains or sprains, then come to Kilcara Care Nursing Home for getting complete solutions. We provide physiotherapy treatment for all kinds of pains arising from and at muscle, bones and nerves.

We understand the priority of good health and the value you bestow upon it. Thus we employ only trained professionals who have an experience of working in the field of physiotherapyand giving patients a pain-free life. We know that your well-being is the driving factor for your family, all your activities be it work or leisure and your life overall. Thus, this is what we give the utmost priority to. We are aware of the fact that the condition of healthcare in Galway has attracted a lot of attention owing to its poor condition and hence, we constantly strive to improve our services to provide better and improved pain-relieving offers for you.

We deal with muscle pains, nerve issues, bone-related issues, post-operative pains and once our doctors identify the cause and kind of problem, we suggest the best possible remedy for it. We provide treatment through acupuncture and massage therapy too. We have treatments for arthritis, joint pain and stiffness, migraines or headaches, musculoskeletal pain, neck and back pain, rheumatology and more. Our physiotherapy techniques include – respiratory physiotherapy, hand therapy, inpatient services, neurological physiotherapy and post-operative physiotherapy. We take care of a wide range of issues and are able to give complete solutions for all of them. Through our physiotherapy services, we aim to do more than just ease your pain. The biggest benefit that physiotherapy has is the ability of increasing the speed of recovery apart from reducing the pain.

All our physiotherapists have a minimum of 5 years of experience. As an organisation, we are registered with Health and Safety Executive (HSE), thus ensuring a certain level of safety for all our patients. We seek to improve the condition of medical services in Galway and this is evident from the way we treat our patients.