Post Operative Care Cork

The phase following an operation is a little troublesome for most, especially those who experience a major surgery. It involves a lot of mental and physical disturbance, sometime depression due to restrictions in movement and diet. Physical complications might also arise if one does not follow the rules stated by the doctor with care or due to general change in health conditions. To avoid all of these, one needs to have a specialist around someone who has gone through an operation. Kilcara House Nursing Home provides the best post-operative care in the whole of Cork.

Though the medical industry in areas such as Cork is earning big revenues, yet the signs of improvement of patients often lack the speed it should be showing. We at Kilcara House Nursing Home are aware of this and seek to improve the situation through our programmes of post-operative care. Providing professional care and attention to patients who have been through an operation is not possible for family members for obvious reasons. This is why you need the professionals at our nursing home. We are sensitive towards the expenses involved in operations these days and hence, charge an affordable fee for our post-operative care systems.

All our staffs at work are highly experienced and caring. We conduct thorough background research regarding these employees before employing them so that you can rely on them with your family member. We check the criminal background of the caregivers and conduct random drug testing on them to ensure they are clean. We also ask for references and do health screening for a complete assurance of their qualities and abilities to take care of our patients. We do not force a family to get a fixed caregiver or certain services. We understand that not every patient does not require the same kind of care and hence first conduct observations and care to check what kind of service is required. We employ someone appropriate only after the observation is complete.

Our post-operative services are conducted with the main aim of making a patient feel at ease. Thus, we do not change shifts unless a patient has specifically asked for it. Our caregivers help you with your appointments with the doctor, medical therapy, the journeys and movement. They also provide support by doing light housekeeping, running errands, doing some shopping and cooking for you.