Respite Care Cork

Taking care of the elderly members of the family or those suffering from illnesses are an obvious duty and responsibility of the others. However, if it is a prolonged illness or is the case of an ageing member, then those taking care of them often feel drained themselves. Though we like to take care of them, this often takes a toll on our health and mental strength. We feel tired, exhausted and fall sick ourselves. There is lack of adequate sleep and illness caused due to stress and tension. It is at such times that you need the help of respite care from Kilcara House Nursing Home.

Our caregivers are all experienced and educated so you never have to worry about giving away your near and dear ones to strangers who might be irresponsible. The question of irresponsibility or mistreatment never arises with us. We understand how stressed you might get over these issues and hence choose caregivers only from amongst the most kind and caring candidates applying to us. It is almost like keeping your loved ones with their family – as good as that. Kilcara House Nursing Home is able to allow you to take a break once in a while and at the same time ensure that your parents or friends or any other member of the family is not ignored.

Taking such breaks not only helps you stay energised but also increases your motivation to take care of the one suffering. It is reported that a majority of those living in Cork, above the age of 85 suffer from some or the other illness. Thus, the respite care services of Kilcare House Nursing Home become all the more relevant. We also provide full time replacement of caregivers, if it is for a short period of time. Our aim always remains to create an environment akin to your home so that your family member feels safe, secured and comfortable above everything else. We provide 24 hour service qualified practitioners and specially trained staff. Our rooms are all completely furnished. We serve nourishing food and drinks to the patients and also have social programmes to keep them entertained. We also provide other services such as physiotherapy and hairdressing if so discussed.